Busy work day with the podcast so we didn't get out for a walk until the evening. It feels like fall here after the week of big heat in Regina, cooler temperatures and early sunsets and the like. But summer isn't gone yet. The flowers in Beacon Hill Park are still glorious, there's sweet corn at the market and the trees are all perked up after the last few days of rain.
We took a slow walk through Beacon Hill Park, along Dallas Road and then back along Cook Street to stop at the market for a few more groceries and as expected, we saw more people out walking this evening than we did in a week in Saskatchewan. There's something about being among people and nature at the same time, with huge trees overhead and mountains in the distance, surrounded by squirrels and birds and plants of every description, that fills my heart. I breathed it all in until I was completely filled up with joy and contentment. Nature does that.
It wasn't even 8pm when we set off on the final leg home, yet the light was already fading. I caught sight of a collection of tall sunflowers in the fading light that still hung onto the last rays of the Tuesday sun. They'll be busy capturing as much light as possible for the rest of the season, as the sun tracks lower and lower in the sky.